Saturday, August 23, 2014

Obama orders review of federal role in arming state and local police - Fox News

Fox News

Obama orders review of federal role in arming state and local police

Fox News

President Obama has directed a review of federal programs and funding that  »

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Friday, August 22, 2014

James Foley\'s Siblings Say US Could Have Done More - ABC News

ABC News

James Foley's Siblings Say US Could Have Done More

ABC News

The brother and sister of U.S. journalist James Foley, who was slain by Islamic terrorists, believe more could have been done to save their brother and said the U.S. should reconsider its approach in dealing with kidnappers. Michael and Katie Foley spoke ...

Lupica: Obama's retur n to the links shows lack of leadership in face of ISIS threat

New York Daily News

ISIS sent James Foley's family chilling email before execution

Fox News

Dempsey hits Islamic militant 'end-of-days' vision

The Seattle Times

Washington Post -Daily News & Analysis


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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

James Foley Remembered as 'A Man of Incredible Bravery' -

James Foley Remembered as 'A Man of Incredible Bravery'

It was the news that friends, family, and colleagues of abducted American journalist James Foley hoped would never come. When militants claimed Tuesday they had killed the freelance war correspondent in a brutal beheading as revenge against U.S. ...

Obama: 'The entire world is app »

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Is Al Gore now a help or hindrance to the global warming cause? - The Guardian (blog)

Is Al Gore now a help or hindrance to the global warming cause?

The Guardian (blog)

However, I still think there is an important, if difficult, question to be asked: despite all his efforts over the past three decades to raise awareness on this issue, is Gore now a help or a hindrance to the cause he cares so passionately about? ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

LendingTree expands product offering - Washington Business Journal:
According to the company, its customer-retention technology identifies customers byloan loan-to-value ratio, loan purpose and FICO “With refinancing activity from borrowers representing a significant portiomn of overall origination volume, our lender networik has expressed a desire to capture and retain currenft mortgage customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTree “As part of the LendingTrer network, banks and lenders that use our new customer-retention initiativse will be able to significantly impact the ratiio of overall mortgage portfolio retained, just as effectively as they can attracyt new borrowers.
” LendingTree is ownedc by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an online lending and real estatr company.’s principle businesses are which matches potential mortgagde borrowersto lenders, and, whichg works with individuals seekinhg homes and real estate agents. LendingTree says it has facilitatefd more than 25 milliob requests for loans onlineand $185 billiom in closed loan transactions.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Virginia Key plan sent back to drawing board - Kansas City Business Journal:
The city's Planning Advisory Board voteed 8-0 this week to reject the proposed master plan thatFort Lauderdale-basef consultant put together. The project has the potential to creatre construction jobs as a result of several buildings plannecd forthe site, including 11 garages and severapl sports facilities tied to baseball and tennis. But the boar d and the city don’t see eye to eye. The planningt board passed a motion to communicatew to the city commission that the master plan does not reflectpublicx input, which focused on passiver uses such as hiking The commission, which has the final word, is to review the masteer plan next week.
The Advisory Board also askefd commissioners to direct staff to take more time and revamop the master plan so that it more closelh aligns withthe public's focus on passives uses. "Nobody is denying there was a publicx process,” said board Chairwoman Janice Tarbert. “Yohu didn’t listen to the residents.” EDSA principakl Paul D. Kissinger, who is overseeingy the VirginiaKey project, and city officiale said both parties worked to preserve the park’sz natural beauty and expand its drawingf potential by adding baseballl fields, tennis courts and other uses.
More than 30 memberse of the public, many of whom had participateed in past masterplan workshops, spoker out against the plan. Many cited concerns over the city' lack of focus on preserving current passive uses aroun the MiamiMarine Stadium. As the Business Journalp reportedlast year, the city's stated through the master plan, is to make the waterfrontr and the land more accessible and But, multiple ownership and leases are limitin factors. But the proposals have prompte some concerns from conservationistsand preservationists. Some have raisede concerns aboutproposed dorms, ball fields, restaurant space, garages and othedr non-natural uses of the 1,000-acre key.
The city had proposesd transforming a landfill into ball fieldsd and otherathletic uses, whicnh would be the basizs for a regional park. Additional possibilities included mountain bike trails anda world-class facilityh for enthusiasts of bicycle motocross, or BMX, which was includefd in Olympic competition for the first time this The city also discussed increasing both its wet slip and dry stacm opportunities on Virginia Key. Currently, it has 2,550 slip s and 2,300 racks.